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CHINESE SPY USING ONLINE GAMING AS COVER FOR THEIR CRIMINAL ACTIVITY: A familiar criminal network linked to scam sites involved in human trafficking and forced labour – but in a world-exclusive interview from behind bars, he tells 101 East he was a Chinese spy. Now, with Beijing pushing for his extradition, he says his knowledge of state secrets has put a target on his back. One of those secrets involves the identity of former Filipino mayor Alice Guo, who has been charged with money laundering, human trafficking and corruption in Manila.

A COMPREHENSIVE EXPLANATION OF COA REGARDING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS vs REGULAR FUNDS: A detailed illustration of how much Confidential Funds the Office of the Vice President got, and history of using the same type of fund while serving as mayor of Davao city. It also explains the definition according to the law the need for Confidential Fund and how it must be use.


It is the obligation of any public official to explain to the public how he or she spent their budget, if not every month, at least every year. It is extremely important that procurement of these funds are done properly and transparently. 

The behavior of government officials regarding transparency and accountability is the most telling sign of how they have use or abuse the people's money. If an official has done good with these funds he or she should be proud of their achievement and should be willing to show the public receipts and records of their work.  

The public is now witnessing a pattern of using Confidential Funds with very little impact on the lives of the filipino people. It may also be use to brand political enemies as security threats.

In 2023 and 2024, Duterte’s OVP received P4.2 billion. Compare that with the former Vice President Leni Robredo, her entire budget from 2017 to 2022 was just P3.9 billion, and to make this more tragic, it is done in the time of Pandemic where Filipinos need help the most.

The performance of the former vice president also received the highest COA rating 4 consecutive years. This is the type of performance worthy of the highest position and can be trusted with the people’s money.

Unfortunately, the practice of blind loyalty is deeply ingrained in our society and performance and good governance takes a backseat.

A GOVERNMENT RAN LIKE A MAFIA SYNDICATE: A heart wrenching account of former Iloilo Mayor regarding baseless claims by the former President. A stunning abuse of power using 'PRRD Drug List' as basis for branding their political opponents as 'Drug Lords'.

The practice of blind loyalty politics is the most destructive form of political activism. It destroys the basic foundations of a society that adheres to democratic principles and values. It mimics the practice of an organized crime syndicate, where loyalty to a leader or person is the most important measure of qualification for members.

CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS: Scrutiny and Transparency are the Vaccines for the Virus of Corruption. Watch how a Corrupt Mindset Reacts to Scrutiny and Questioning of People's Representatives.

It is the obligation of every elected official, to explain to the people how they have spent the people's money. If you have done well in spending your budget and it has helped many Filipinos you should be proud of your projects. The behavior of avoiding answering questions at all costs matches a person who diverted the money of the people for personal gain.

The question now is, can you find the courage to love your country over political figures or families you previously supported and loved?

Transparency in Government: The Ultimate Tool for Accountability and Protection Against Corruption and Fraud.

1. Empowerment of Citizens: Transparency in government operations empowers citizens by granting them access to information about how decisions are made and how public funds are utilized. When citizens understand the inner workings of their government, they can better assess its performance and hold officials accountable. This empowered citizenry is less likely to tolerate corruption and fraud, as they can actively participate in governance through informed voting and advocacy.


2. Enhanced Trust in Institutions: Trust is the cornerstone of any democratic society. When government actions and decisions are transparent, citizens are more likely to trust their institutions. This trust leads to greater civic engagement and cooperation between the government and the populace. A transparent government signals to its citizens that it has nothing to hide, fostering a culture of integrity and accountability.


3. Deterrent Against Corruption: Transparency acts as a powerful deterrent against corrupt practices. When government transactions, decisions, and activities are open to scrutiny, the likelihood of illicit behavior diminishes significantly. Public officials are less inclined to engage in corrupt actions if they know their actions could be easily discovered. This deterrence is further enhanced by the presence of whistleblower protections and mechanisms for citizens to report unethical behavior.


4. Informed Decision-Making: Transparency ensures that decisions are made based on clear, accessible data and public input. When citizens have access to information regarding policies, budgets, and outcomes, they can engage in meaningful dialogue with their representatives and advocate for changes that align with the public interest. This informed decision-making process not only enhances accountability but also improves the quality of governance.


5. Effective Oversight Mechanisms: Transparency facilitates effective oversight by independent institutions, such as auditors, civil society organizations, and the media. When these entities have access to governmental data and processes, they can investigate and report on potential wrongdoing. This oversight is crucial for identifying and addressing corruption and fraud, serving as an additional layer of accountability.


6. Reduction of Information Asymmetry: In many instances, corruption thrives in environments where information is hidden or selectively shared. Transparency reduces information asymmetry, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the same information. This leveling of the playing field allows citizens, civil society, and other stakeholders to engage effectively with their government and demand accountability.


7. Promotion of Ethical Standards: A transparent government is more likely to foster a culture of ethical behavior among public officials. Clear guidelines, accessible information, and regular reporting create an environment where ethical standards are expected and upheld. This cultural shift can significantly reduce opportunities for corruption and fraud.


8. **Long-term Sustainability**: Transparency contributes to the sustainability of governmental practices. When citizens are engaged and aware of government operations, they are more likely to support policies that promote accountability and ethical behavior. This ongoing engagement creates a virtuous cycle where transparency leads to accountability, fostering a healthier democratic society.


9. **Global Standards and Comparisons**: In an increasingly interconnected world, transparency allows for comparisons between governments. Citizens can evaluate their government's performance against global standards, which encourages governments to adopt best practices and improve their operations. This competitive pressure can lead to enhanced accountability and reduced corruption as countries strive to meet international norms.


In conclusion, transparency is not just a principle; it is a fundamental necessity for effective governance. It empowers citizens, builds trust, deters corruption, and fosters ethical behavior. By ensuring that government actions are visible and accountable, transparency stands as the ultimate tool in the fight against corruption and fraud, paving the way for a more equitable and just society.

Any government official or agency requesting confidential funds raises serious concerns about corruption.


It is time for all government agencies and elected officials to publicly disclose their budgets and pork barrel allocations through a dedicated website. They should also provide information on all projects that are initiated, ongoing, or completed, along with a transparent ledger detailing the allocation of funds for public viewing.


It is time for elected officials to explain how they have spent their budgets, and not let them get away with unlimited allocation of funds with zero accountability..

Take action and demand transparency from all government officials in your local areas today!

"The Practice of Blind Loyalty is the Most Destructive Form of Political Activism"

The practice of blind loyalty politics is the most destructive form of political activism. It destroys the basic foundations of a society that adheres to democratic principles and values. It mimics the practice of an organized crime syndicate, where loyalty to a leader or person is the most important measure of qualification for members. 


It’s time to let go of the politics of old, where divisions and hatred thrive, and people are ruled by generations of corrupt families similar to an organized crime syndicate. It’s time for the younger generations of voters to change this practice and focus on policies. Stop electing political clans using government positions as sources of generational wealth.

The Destructive Consequences of Blind Loyalty

- CONCENTRATION of WEALTH: Wealth remains with the select few and financial hardship is concentrated on the majority of people. Corrupt political clans perfected how to stay in power and provide their families source of "Generational Wealth".


- CONCENTRATION OF POWER: There is a never-ending supply of family members to replenish retiring politicians in every city and province of the country. You will notice one family name will hold office for decades and run on the same issue.


- UNEXPLAINED WEALTH: You will see people in power flaunt their lifestyle and acquire assets that do not match their salaries. For some reason, loyal supporters of these political clans find it reasonable to obtain wealth and assets that cannot be supported by their salaries.


- PROLIFERATION of CHINESE PUPPETS: Today, we are witnessing the devastating results of allowing POGO SCAM ARTISTS in the country. We are now discovering a Chinese Citizen elected as Mayor while operating POGO. Notice the Eire Silence from political clans friendly to China and Pogo Operators

Maria Ressa: Considered as Enemy of the State by the Previous Administration to Harvard Commencement Speaker in 2024.

It's time to have the courage to hold people in power into account because the future of your children is more important than any political figure you supported and loved before.

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